
Do Your Vision Board Today!

I'm sure if you are like a lot of people you set New Year's Resolutions right? Then by February or March, most if not all of those resolutions have been broken. The main reason that you don't succeed at these goals is that they are not important to you. I know you're saying that they were important which is why you set the goals. Okay if that's true what's your excuse for not achieving that goal? I'm sure there were plenty of reasons you stop going to the gym or you stopped dieting. Honestly, it really doesn't matter why you stopped because like I said it boils down to you not wanting it bad enough. Let me give you an example of wanting something bad enough. Remember when you were a kid and wanted that bike, or baby doll sooooo bad? You showed your parents the commercial EVERY time it came on. You pointed it out in the store. You cut pictures of it out of the sales paper. You were relentless about it and more than likely "Santa" brought it to you for Christmas or you got it as a birthday gift. That is the perfect example of how you need to be at goals that you set for yourself. You need to be that nagging kid that won't stop if it's that important and it needs to be front and center of your mind when you get up in the morning and when you go to bed at night.

A vision board is a tool that can help you with that. The goal of a vision board is to visually display your goals, dreams, and aspirations. Visually seeing these items every day will help you to stay the course of reaching your expectations. That is why once you have constructed it, you must put it in a place you will easily see it on a daily basis. I have mine in my closet next to my mirror. Every time I go in there to get dressed or to iron my clothes I have no choice but to take a moment and reflect on each item and if I have accomplished any of the items to check them off. So what's the first step in constructing a vision board?

The Steps

  1. Decide what you are going to construct your vision board out of. (I usually use half a piece of poster board.

  2. Determine what your goals and don't write skimpy goals. If you can easily achieve them, they are a waste of your time and you should have already accomplished them. Go after big goals because you deserve them. You don't need to know how to accomplish them, just know they are what you want.

  3. Cut quotes and pictures from magazines or print them from the internet anything that represents your goals. This is where the visual aspect comes into play.

  4. Hang your masterpiece where you can see it every day.

Now What?

So your vision board is constructed and hanging proudly and now you want to know what's next.

  1. You need to reflect on your vision board daily. It is not something to hang up and forget about. These are items you said you wanted, so study this board each day or better yet take a picture of it and have it on your phone as I do! Also, don't be ashamed of what's on your board just because others see it and don't understand it. It's not their board and it's not their story. Walk your own path and let them stay in their lane. This is about YOU!
  2. Believe that the items have already happened. If one of your goals is to be a millionaire, think about how that would make you feel. What would you do? How would you act? The excitement and joy just the thought of that brings to you is what you need to experience each time you look at that board thinking about each of those goals and dreams.

  3. Be grateful for the blessings you have already received. Start and finish each day with a heart of gratitude. Whether you know it or not you are blessed to be where you are. I know there are some reading this that feel they are at the lowest point in their life. As I am not in your shoes but I do know if you are at that point there is nowhere to go but up. It may not be easy but know that if you want a change to come you can make it happen. If it was not meant for you to be here in this world, you wouldn't be so there is obviously something left for you to do. I don't think there are any mistakes and you definitely are not one!
  4. Pay it forward as you start to see the many blessings come your way. You did not get to this point by yourself so pay it forward by helping the next person. It doesn't have to be money, it can just be your time. Everybody has something to offer because we were all blessed with gifts. Use your gifts and just keep paying it forward. The more you do the more that will come your way.

That's it in a nutshell. I'm not telling you anything new. It comes down to believing in yourself and knowing your worth. We are all deserving of blessings and there is no one better than the next person. Know that you will be blessed in your own way as you can't judge your blessings by your neighbors or your co-workers. What is meant for you is just that and nobody can take that away

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